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Minocqua Area Fishing Report - 1/3/22

As typical for a Christmas/New Year’s Week, pressure (from anglers) increased, weather got colder and fishing, while still good, got tougher. Some good fishing taking place here in the Northwoods, but at times it’s windows of activity or getting off the beaten path to discover better bites.

Walleye: Good – As stated, mostly windows of opportunity, as well as dusk, have been key. By moving out a bit deeper during mid-afternoons and fishing new areas, anglers reporting finding Walleyes on points and bars extending out into main lake basins taking 3-4” suckers or hitting jigging lures (Raps, Tikkas).

Northern Pike: Good – This one really seemed to show those “windows” of opportunity, several reports of flags flyin’ for 1-2 hour periods during late mornings followed by dead periods until just before dusk. Big shiners and suckers best.

Crappie: Good – Moving out over 15-25’ of water to find suspended Crappies has been the most consistent producer. Weed Crappies seem to only turn on for small windows of activity. Open water fish, when you can locate, have been easier to get action from. Tip-downs with rosies and Pin head jigs tipped with waxies best.

Bluegill: Good – While most reports coming from anglers working weed beds of 5-10’, anglers targeting

Crappies in 15-20’ reporting nice Gills mixed in with suspended Crappies

Yellow Perch: Good-Fair – Shallow weeds producing action in 6-10’ of water, but a move to deeper mud has already begun with anglers finding “eaters” (9-11”) using wigglers and red spikes on Hali jigs and pimples.

Largemouth Bass: Fair-Poor – Not a lot of reports, don’t seem to bite as much during periods of 0 degree temps.

Travel on the ice is very good. No slush and not enough snow to be cumbersome. ATV and snowmobile travel excellent. Can’t in good conscious recommend truck travel (though some have been spotted). Ice thickness ranging 9-14” and building, should be a good season as ice is getting a chance to thicken enough to support weight of any snow to come.


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