Minocqua Area Fishing Report - 2/14/22
The humdrums of winter remain as early mornings in the sub-zero temps continue to add some ice thickness and keep anglers from hitting ice until mid-mornings for the most part.
Yellow Perch: Good-Fair – Best to work the mud at this time of year as most of the Perch in any given lake seem to be targeting blood worms and other small invertebrates. Not that weed options aren’t available, but the best “average” eaters are out over mud. Wigglers, red spikes and small rosies best!
Northern Pike: Good-Fair – Mid-mornings to early afternoons best. Shiners and suckers and even the odd hotdog bite here and there. Action fair, size has been good with fish of 24-32” being reported.
Crappie: Fair-Good – Best over mud in 18-28’, though a couple reports of anglers successful in 14-16’ just outside weeds. Finicky bites require down sizing with plastics on #3 tungsten jigs. Crappie and small rosie reds when fish a bit more aggressive.
Bluegill: Fair – Action comes in spurts in weeds, sorting necessary. Some anglers finding larger Gills mixed in with Crappies suspending over mud flats.
Largemouth Bass: Fair – Don’t like the cold mornings, but become a little more active later on. Small to medium shiners on tip-ups, jigs and spoons with minnow heads in 8-12’ weeds.
Walleye: Poor – Still small windows at dusk and just after dark. Suckers over sandgrass in 20-32’, use smaller bait/large fatheads and rosies for negative biters.
Will this be the final week of sup-zero mornings? Lets hope so. Looks like Thursday night/Friday morning may be the last for a while. Temps forecast for the weekend look nice, into low 30’s, so hopefully will beak our way.